Welcome to Trading Webinars

About the modules

These trading webinars each cover an element of my trading strategy, or the business of trading. The material in each one can be understood and implemented, independently of the others. This is true even of the webinars that fall in two parts.

As a result, a trader can view a single webinar to understand how I trade a particular setup or approach a key concept. At the same time, viewed in order, as a whole, the webinars present a comprehensive overview of my approach to the financial markets.

Module 1 and Module 2 cover my complete strategy for swing trading the financial markets.

Module 3 focuses on how I day trade the market using short term time frames.

Module 1: Swing Trading Forex and Financial Futures

Module 2: Core Concepts, Advanced Techniques, Building Your Business and Increasing Performance

Module 3: Short Term Time Frame Trading in the Bund
