Webinar Details
Date held: 27th January, 2013
Run Time: 97 minutes
Topics Covered
This webinar answers a number of questions related to trading. It is aimed at those near the beginning of their trading journey. I discuss:
- Is trading just gambling?
- What type of trading is most profitable? Scalping? Swing trading? Position trading?
- Do the traders that make millions have any edge that the average retail trader cannot get?
- How much capital do you need to begin trading?
- How much can you earn trading?
- Do non-discretionary systems work?
- Does a vast number of people trading the same "edge" stop it working?
- How long will it take you to learn to trade?
- Are you looking at the same chart as the professionals? The difference between un-adjusted and continuous futures charting.
- Do you need any special tools to trade effectively?
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